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Another Tragedy

Editorial in The Nation, Aug 17, 2023
Yet again, a tragedy has taken place as an enraged mob vandalised multiple churches in the Jaranwala tehsil of Faisalabad over allegations of blasphemy. The impunity with which these acts are carried out in the presence of law enforcement personnel shows that these mobs and extremist groups have only grown stronger with conviction, and that is not without the state’s help.

Condemnations and vows to hold the culprits accountable amount to mere rhetoric when the authorities fail to take any concrete measures at a legislative, educational and community level.

Reports reveal that a crowd torched at least five churches and looted valuables from abandoned houses after clerics made announcements from the mosques to incite the mob. This is the exact same script that has played out numerous times, and the Joseph Colony tragedy still haunts many. Little has changed since then, in fact, the extremist forces only find themselves more emboldened now as groups such as the TLP have now been white-washed as political entities.

The mob also demolished the house of a Christian cleaner, accused of blasphemy, against whom an FIR has also been registered under 295B and C. These incidents time and time again illustrate how our law enforcement agencies are helpless, and do little to help the situation on the ground as they themselves are intimidated by the crowd. This is evident from the reports that the police officers were trying to “negotiate” with the vandalisers and that they remained silent spectators throughout. Instead of lodging cases against the mob for desecrating holy places, blasphemy related FIRs are being registered against the victims.

Religious minorities are imploring the state for justice and action, and are seeking assurances that their lives are valued in their own homeland. What we are seeing is a direct consequence of the impunity on offer for crimes that are committed in the name of religion. It must be highlighted that just recently, the Senate passed a problematic bill to increase the punishment for using derogatory remarks against revered personalities. Irony dies a thousand deaths when our leaders raise their voices against Islamophobic incidents abroad, while facilitating the oppression of minorities at home by bowing down to extremist elements and political interests.