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Amid Growing Unemployment in Afghanistan, Baradar Calles it ‘Foreign Porpaganda’

By Nizamuddin Rezahi in Khaama Press online, June 28, 2023
Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs of Afghanistan Abdul Ghani Baradar on Wednesday on the occasion of Eid al-Adha prayer said there is enough work in Afghanistan, adding foreigners fuel the rumor of unemployment.

While speaking at the presidential palace (Arg) Abdul Ghani Baradar said that perhaps the employment situation in the country is not favorable, however, the rumors spread by foreign media is not true either.

He further added that the Taliban-run administration has initiated economic projects aimed at creating employment opportunities for the people of Afghanistan. Referring to Salang Pass highway, Baradar said, the construction work of the highway will commence after Eid.

Furthermore, he added that economic development projects are underway at different levels throughout Afghanistan.

Baradar called on Afghan youths instead of leaving the country and drowning in oceans, they could remain in Afghanistan and work towards the development of the country.

In his remarks, he also highlighted the decreasing level of the amount of water in the capital Kabul and described the situation as unfortunate for ordinary citizens. He encouraged industrialists and factory owners to supply water by tankers from the rivers.

Taliban officials try to represent Afghanistan’s situation promising while international aid organizations report dire poverty and hunger millions of Afghans are plagued with.