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AIJA confirms release of 9 Journalists in 20 days

report in Khaama Press online, Sept 2, 2023
The Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) has recently reported the release of nine journalists within twenty days. Among these journalists, Habibullah Sarab and Parwiz Sargand were granted their freedom on Saturday.

AIJA conveyed this positive news through a post on its official Facebook page. The organization highlighted the concerted efforts undertaken on behalf of journalists by pursuing legal actions and leveraging its advocacy for the cause.

Notably, the collective endeavours of AIJA and the broader media community within the country played a pivotal role in securing the release of seven journalists over merely three days.

The contexts surrounding these releases involve the arrest of several journalists approximately 23 days before the reported releases. These arrests spanned various provinces, including Kandahar, Nangarhar, Kunduz, Kunar, Paktia, and Zabul.

A closer examination of the timeline reveals that two journalists were released just two days after their initial apprehension. In a subsequent instance, five more journalists regained their freedom a few days before the recent developments.

On Saturday, September 2, the remaining two journalists were finally liberated, marking the culmination of this release series.

AIJA has proactively called upon the authorities of the de facto administration, the prevailing governing body, to adopt a proactive stance. This stance entails addressing issues linked to media work and addressing grievances related to media violations.

The organization’s advocacy for journalists’ rights is evident in its call for proper mechanisms, such as the Commission for Investigating Complaints and Handling Media Violations, to address media-related matters under the new governing structure.

This ongoing dialogue emphasizes the importance of a free press in the evolving landscape of Afghanistan.