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Afghans Complain of Intensifying Deportations from Iran:

Report in TOLOnews Online, Nov 07, 2023 at 10:02 PM
Afghan refugees in Iran complain of the intensifying deportation of refugees. Some of these refugees said the increase in arrests and harassment by police has presented them with challenges.

Meanwhile, the Islamic Emirate has once again called on neighboring countries not to deport Afghan refugees. Deportation of Afghan refugees from Pakistan has now intensified, with the forced deportation of Afghan refugees from Iran.

A number of refugees expressed concern over their return to the country, saying harassment and deportation of Afghan refugees has increased in the past few days.

“There is forced deportation of Afghan refugees from Iran, who entered Iran illegally. It’s been going on before and these days the process is progressing more quickly,” said Enayatullah Alokozay, a member of the defenders of Afghan refugees in Iran.

Afghan refugee representatives in Iran criticized the coldness of the government and the international community, and called for them to address their challenges.

“Afghan refugees are being deported from Iran. he Iranian people and government are very oppressive to refugees. Iran pushes out refugees ahead of winter when it is not right,” said Spogmai Jabbarkhil, an Afghan refugees’ representative in Iran.

“Afghan refugees in Iran face various challenges in the employment market, with housing and the lack of identity documents,” said Asefa Stanikzai, a refugee affairs analyst.

Meanwhile, the Islamic Emirate says neighboring countries should not deport Afghan refugees by force.

“Do not deport refugees by force and do not treat them illegally. Our message to Iran and Pakistan is to be tolerant of the migrants, not to be oppressive and stop the persecution,” Zabihullah said.

According to the Herat Department of Refugees and Repatriations, more than 20,000 Afghan refugees have returned from Iran in the past week.