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Afghanistan is a “Safe Haven” For Terrorists with an Increasing Threat to the US, Experts Claim:

By Fidel Rahmati in The Khaama Press Online, April 19, 2023
According to defence and counterterrorism experts, al Qaeda and ISIS-K are flourishing in Afghanistan, again turning into a “safe haven” for terrorists who are increasingly posing a threat against the United States.

“The terrorist threat environment in Afghanistan has deteriorated dramatically since August 2021 – and it is getting worse,” Tuesday, Nathan Sales, a former State Department counterterrorism coordinator, made a statement reported by Just the News.

He further elaborated that due to the various groups and the lack of capability to fight terrorism on the one hand and the absence of US pressure, Afghanistan has become a breeding ground for growing terrorism.

“Due to a combination of Taliban-provided safe haven, the Taliban’s lack of counterterrorism capability, and the absence of sustained counterterrorism pressure from the United States, Afghanistan has become hospitable terrain for various terrorist groups,” he added.

Earlier last month, Army General Michael Kurilla told the US Senate Armed Services Committee that ISSI-K is rapidly growing in Afghanistan, potentially launching “overseas operations” in Europe and Asia.

He warned that the Islamic State could carry out operations against the US or West interests within six months or so.

Meanwhile, the experts expressed their concerns over the capability of the militant groups, mainly ISIS-K and al Qaeda, after the withdrawal of the US left behind nearly $7.2 billion worth of equipment.

However, the de facto authorities claim they can prevent any attack from Afghanistan against other countries.