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A robust defence: edit in The Express Tribune, October 22nd, 2016.

The British government in response to a petition signed by almost 20,000 people has issued a defence of Pakistan’s record in combating terrorism. ‘Pakistan has made significant sacrifices in opposing terrorism’, says the statement, and goes on to list a range of areas where the British government supports financially and via skills transfer a range of initiatives in Pakistan and has done for many years and will continue to do so. Pakistan and the UK have a relationship that stretches back to the beginning of the colonial era, and has survived the years since independence despite turbulent times. There is a large Pakistani-origin population in the UK and they are represented by MPs and local and regional councillors in all of the assemblies including the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The British High Commission in Islamabad reflects this as it is the largest overseas mission maintained by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO).

Against that background it would be wise to treat the petition that triggered the FCO statement with some caution, particularly as a mapping of where those who have signed it are located suggest high rates of signature from areas known to have significant populations of Indian origin or descent.

The acknowledgement by the UK of Pakistan’s efforts in fighting terrorism are going to be welcomed by both the military and civilian establishments, which were becoming uneasy at allegations that Pakistan supported some extremist organisations and those allegations had begun to gather weight internationally. Add this to India’s strongly-stated intention to ‘isolate’ Pakistan and it is not too difficult to work backwards and find a possible origin for the petition that has produced the denial and consequent statement of support for Pakistan. As has been pointed out in these columns several times in recent months Pakistan needs to raise its own diplomatic game, and it is for our representatives in the UK to deploy our own countervailing arguments. Pakistan is neither defenceless nor isolated and will continue to fight terrorism in all its guises and no matter what the cost, petitions notwithstanding.

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