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Cabinet committee to look into issues raised by Balochistan protesters: PM.

Report in The Nation, Dec 24, 2023
ISLAMABAD – Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar Saturday assured that the government would investigate the complaints about hurdles to stop some people from taking part in the electoral process.

In an interview with a private tele­vision, ……. Talking about the protesters from Balochistan who came to Islamabad, he said everyone had the right to protest with lawful behaviour. How­ever, if a situation of law and order would be cre­ated then law enforce­ment agencies would come into action, he clarified. The provin­cial government of Ba­lochistan and a cabinet committee was formed to look into the issues raised by the protest­ers, he told. He said Ba­lochistan was plagued with terrorism for the last two decades, and particularly in the last two months, terrorism had risen in the coun­try.

“Our society and state is faced with the issue of terrorism.” In some recent incidents, 15 people were burnt at the coastal highway in Balochistan, labour­ers were martyred at a police station in Turbat while the Hazara com­munity was targeted in the past, he narrat­ed, adding however not much voice was raised by the civil society about these incidents. He expressed concern over the lack of support from political and civ­il organizations for the martyrs of law enforce­ment agencies. He said religious and ethnic-in­spired violence could not be given accept­ability, adding only the state had the right to use force to protect un­armed civilians.

“If we demoralise our security forces how we can fight the war against ter­rorism,” he asked. An­waarul Haq Kakar said there was no doubt that Israel was an illegal en­tity and there was no suggestion under con­sideration to recog­nize Israel. Netanyahu was a war criminal and war crimes of Israel should be investigated as 7000 children were martyred, he said add­ing Pakistan wanted to send relief to Pales­tinians and raise voice at the international fo­rums including Orga­nization of Islamic Co­operation (OIC) for the rights of Palestinians.