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Russian Media reports detention of student linked to active terrorist groups in Afghanistan:

By Fidel Rahmati in The Khaama Press Online, November 21, 2023
Russian media have reported the detention of a student affiliated with one of the active terrorist groups in Afghanistan, alleging that he had been propagating for extremist terrorist organizations.

According to the TASS news agency, the detained individual is a student who had been actively involved in calling upon people to engage in “jihad” against the “infidels.”

Details about the identity of the detained individual remain undisclosed. He was arrested in Altai, Russia, and his trial process is set to commence shortly.

Russian media reports suggest that this person has been promoting the interests of an active terrorist group in Afghanistan since the beginning of 2023.

Reports indicate that Afghanistan has been a breeding ground for multiple terrorist groups, with numerous organizations actively operating in the region. The exact affiliation of the individual who was arrested remains unclear, and it is uncertain which specific terrorist group or groups he was promoting on behalf of.

The complex and fluid nature of extremist networks in Afghanistan presents a significant challenge in determining the precise ties and motivations of individuals involved in such activities.

Russia has repeatedly identified Afghanistan as a source of security threats and has issued warnings regarding the situation there.