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Journos worried over new cyber security law

report in The Daily Star, 16 Sep 2023
Dhaka Reporters Unity (DRU) yesterday expressed concern over the recently passed Cyber Security Bill for incorporating repressive provisions like those of the Digital Security Act (DSA).

The Jatiya Sangsad passed the bill on Wednesday.

In a statement, DRU said the government formulated DSA although journalist community showed their concern regarding the law.

Later, the government decided to formulate the Cyber Security Act replacing DSA in face of concerns over DSA from different quarters including journalists, it said.

DRU said since the drafting stage of the new law, they have been demanding omission of some provisions because of their repressive nature.

During a meeting of the relevant parliamentary committee regarding the proposed CSA, journalists made recommendations to make changes in some of the provisions, read the statement.

However, journalists’ recommendations were not reflected in the newly passed bill, it said.

DRU said in provision 42 of the bill, police have been given power to conduct search and arrest people without warrant.

“Such repressive provision is an obstacle to freedom of speech,” it said.

DRU expressed concern that the new law leaves room for misuse against objective journalism and demanded provisions which are threat to journalism should be removed.

Also yesterday, “DSA Victims Network” expressed concern over the law, saying it is repressive in nature like the Digital Security Act. In a statement, the network said elements from DSA have been incorporated in the new bill overlooking expectations and opinion of people.