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Pakistan expresses concern over terrorist activities from Afghan soil

By Mariana Baabar in The News, Sept 15, 2023
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Thursday expressed concern over terrorist attacks in country’s different areas, including Chitral, from across the border with Afghanistan.

The Foreign Office spokesperson, during the weekly media briefing, said: “I would like to reiterate what we have said in the past. Pakistan is concerned about the security threat emanating from Afghanistan. There have been recent incidents, including in Chitral, on 6 September, as well as the incident on the border on the same day. We believe that such incidents embolden the terrorists and that is why it is important for the Afghan interim authorities to ensure that Afghan territory is not used to threaten Pakistan.”

She also pointed out that Pakistan is concerned that the transit trade agreement between Pakistan and Afghanistan was being misused.

“It is important for our Customs authorities to ensure that any border trade that takes place complies with the understandings and agreements that exist between Pakistan and Afghanistan and that such commercial activities do not contravene Pakistani laws. Secondly, with regard to the trade with Afghanistan, you may know that the trade between Pakistan and Afghanistan is on the rise and this is an established fact. Trade has grown because Pakistan has facilitated trade with Afghanistan,” she said.

With regard to the statement by the Afghan Foreign Ministry about transit trade with India, the FO said that transit trade agreement between Pakistan and Afghanistan does not include overland trade between Afghanistan and India through Wagah via Pakistan. …..

To several queries regarding foreign diplomats meeting the chief election commissioner and others from various world capitals and commenting on Pakistan’s upcoming elections, the spokesperson said that Pakistan is fully capable of overcoming the challenges that it faces.

“There have been statements by countries that they support free and fair elections and there are statements that they do not wish to intervene in Pakistani politics. We welcome those statements. We expect the relevant embassies to reflect on how their activities are being perceived by the Pakistani public and whether the activities that they engage in can actually contribute to the promotion of democracy and the cause of free and fair elections in Pakistan,” she cautioned.

On the surprising news that China had posted its first ambassador in Kabul who had presented his credentials to the interim prime minister of Afghanistan and whether this was the first step before recognising Kabul, the spokesperson responded, “We have seen the recent decision by the Chinese government. Pakistan’s position on our relations with the Afghan interim government and the recognition question has not changed.”…..