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Iran Hands Over 101 Prisoners to Afghanistan

By Fidel Rahmati in Khaama Press online, June 12, 2023
The Islamic Republic of Iran handed over 101 Afghan prisoners on Sunday to Afghanistan who were serving prison sentences in Iran.

According to the Foreign Ministry of Afghanistan on Monday, “As a result of the efforts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the General Directorate of Follow-up and Supervision of the Leader’s Orders and the General Director of Prisons, 100 Afghan prisoners were transferred again in Nimruz in connection with the agreement reached with the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

The prisoners were transferred to the Taliban through the Nimroz border to continue serving the remainder of their sentences in Afghanistan, Iran’s deputy director of International Affairs and Human Rights at the Ministry of Justice, Askar Jalalian, said.

“The handover was made possible through the joint efforts of the Committee for the Transfer of Convicts at the Ministry of Justice, along with the cooperation of the judiciary, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Prisons Organization.”

In addition, diplomatic and legal consultations were held between Iran and the Taliban to facilitate this process.” Jalalian added.

According to the Iranian Justice Ministry, under the prisoner transfer agreement between the two countries, close to 800 Afghan prisoners were delivered to representatives of Afghanistan’s interim Taliban government last year.