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RSF Reiterates Call For Immediate Release of Mortaza Behboudi

By Fidel Rahmati in Khaama Press online, June 10, 2023
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) reiterated its call for the immediate and unconditioned release of Afghanistan-born French journalist Mortaza Behboudi, who has been detained in Kabul since January 7 without any public announcement of charges against him, RSF said.

“Five months of arbitrary detention and failure to respect criminal justice procedures… The Taliban authorities have produced no evidence to explain why they continue to hold Mortaza Behboudi, a journalist paying for his professionalism,” RSF said.

It also urged his release from the Taliban authorities, “We call on the government in Kabul to close this absurd case once and for all by releasing him immediately.”

Behboudi, a freelance journalist aged 29 who has contributed to several international news organisations, was taken into custody on January 7, 2023, three days after landing in Kabul. The Taliban have charged him with spying, but they have not shown proof to back up their allegations.

RSF Secretary-General Christophe Deloire stated on Wednesday that the incarceration of Behboudi is “an act of intimidation against all journalists who are trying to inform the world about the situation in Afghanistan.” He demanded Behboudi’s immediate and unconditional release from the Taliban.

Aleksandra Mostovaja, Behboudi’s wife, has advocated for his release since he was taken into custody. In a statement released on Wednesday, she said she was “living without his love” and that “there will be no freedom unless we fight for it.”