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Enemies Exaggerating Border Skirmish Issue: Senior Iranian Commander

By Fidel Rahmati in The Khaama Press Online, May 31, 2023
Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Aerospace Force (IRGC-AF), said that “enemies” are attempting to escalate the border tension with Afghanistan into a conflict and that there is no need to be concerned about it.

Hajizadeh said the enemies should be aware that there would not be a war or confrontation between the two countries, but he did not mention any specific group.

“Behind these issues are many of our enemies who want to turn this into a big issue, turn it into a conflict, turn it into a war, which will certainly not happen,” said Hajizadeh.

He also emphasized that the recent border clash between Kabul and Tehran was a minor local issue that had been settled and that the two countries’ authorities were attempting to use diplomacy to prevent such incidents in the future.

Last week, one Taliban security force and two Iranian border guards were killed after clashes between Taliban and Iranian forces at the border crossing point.

The incident resulted in several injuries amid tensions between the two countries over water rights.

“Today, in Nimroz province, Iranian border forces fired toward Afghanistan, which was met with a counter-reaction,” a spokesman for the Taliban-run interior ministry, Abdul Nafi Takor, said in a statement. “During the battle, one person was killed on each side, and many were injured.”

Iranian officials blamed Taliban forces for the clash, while Taliban authorities blamed Iran, saying they had responded to the Iranian soldiers.

“The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan considers dialogue and negotiation reasonable for any problem. Making excuses for war and negative actions is not in the interest of any of the parties,” Taliban defence ministry spokesperson Enayatullah Khowarazmi said.

Last week, Iranian officials warned the Interim government of Kabul to consider Iran’s water rights from the Helmand River following the 1973 accord, while the Taliban authorities reiterated that they are committed to the treaty.