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Turkey Deports 365 Undocumented Afghan Migrants:

By Fidel Rahmati in The Khaama Press Online, April 10, 2023
365 Afghan migrants were reportedly deported in the previous two days from Turkey.

Turkish media reported on Monday that 365 illegal migrants who were recently deported from Turkey, 138 of them on Saturday and 277 of them on Sunday, arrived at Kabul from Aghra City by an Afghan plane.

Earlier in January, over 68290 Afghan nationals were deported from Turkey, out of 124,441 illegal immigrants during the past year, said the General Directorate of Migration in Turkey.

Most Refugees flee the country due to the fear of prosecution, security threats, poor economic and unemployment.

Since the return of the Taliban to power, most Afghan refugees have immigrated to neighbouring countries, including Iran, Pakistan and Turkey, due to economic purposed or to flee from prosecution by the de facto regime.

Most Afghan immigrants chose illegal entry, and after they arrived at their destination, after months of uncertainty, they must now live in fear of being forcibly deported and imprisoned.

Similarly, Iran and Pakistan also deport Afghan refugees or put them in jail due to a lack of travel documents. Meanwhile, Pakistan has imprisoned hundreds of Afghan refugees, including women and children, and even the matter was viral on social media.

However, Pakistan and Iran have hosted millions of Afghans in recent decades.