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Simultaneous movement: Ganatantra Mancha waits for BNP’s decision

by Samsur Rahman in Prothom Alo, Mar 27, 2023
Although the BNP and seven-party led alliance Ganatantra Mancha have held several meetings, they couldn’t finalise the ‘joint declaration’ as a basis of simultaneous movement.

However, the Ganatantra Mancha has provided a draft declaration. But the matter remains hanging for a decision by the BNP.

BNP is taking time to give their opinion as they would discuss the matter at the top level.

All anti-government parties including BNP and alliance launched a simultaneous movement on 30 December through mass rallies.

Ganatantra Mancha wanted to finalise the basis of simultaneous movement with BNP ahead of the first event. As that could not be done, they wanted to do it within the shortest possible time.

A long time has elapsed as the policy making body of BNP didn’t give its decision.

Speaking to Prothom Alo, Ganatantra Mancha, two leaders said BNP liaison committee members agree with most of the issues of draft declaration forwarded by Ganatantra Mancha. BNP has raised objections to two to three issues. Ganatantra Mancha has suggested finalising the declaration dropping the objectionable issues. BNP did not say anything.

As part of simultaneous movement, BNP and Ganatantra Mancha held separate rallies on 18 March. Ganatantra Mancha believes the movement would get pace if it was carried out on the basis of the declaration.

Ganatantra Mancha top leader and Nagorik Oikya president Mahmudur Rahman Manna said a draft has been sent to BNP from Ganatantra Mancha. Liaison committee members also agree to it. It was supposed to be finalised by February.

BNP has proposed a 27-point demand for reforming the state and a 10-point demand in the simultaneous movement. Ganatantra Mancha has given a 14-point demand including reform.

There are some differences in the proposals provided by BNP and Ganatantra Mancha. An initiative was taken to make a specific political programme-based declaration after removing the differences.

The BNP proposals include the resignation of the government and holding the election under a neutral government, human rights, good governance, law and order and release of their leaders and activists.

Ganatantra Mancha’s 14-point demand includes the resignation of the government and dissolution of parliament.

BNP unveiled a 27-point proposal, a roadmap for reform of the state on 19 December. The party has declared they would constitute a constitution reform commission, national reconciliation commission, judicial commission, administrative commission, media commission and economic reform commission.

BNP has constituted a seven-member liaison committee to coordinate with the parties which are in the movement. The liaison committee held a meeting with Ganatantra Mancha on 28 December. BNP held several meetings with Ganatantra Mancha in February and March. The draft declaration provided by Ganatantra Mancha was discussed in these meetings.

Ganatantra Mancha leader and Revolutionary Workers Party general secretary Saiful Haque said, “We wanted to finalise the declaration within the shortest possible time. We are waiting for the opinion of BNP. We want to go for an all-out movement after Ramadan. The work of Ramadan will be advanced during Ramadan.”

BNP and Ganatantra Mancha leaders said there is no difference between BNP and Ganatantra Mancha regarding resignation of the government and holding the election under the neutral government.

BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said, “The liaison committee is working over the declaration.”