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Afghan Security Forces Kill Key ISIS Fighter in Kabul

by Fidai Rahmati in Khaama Press,Mar27, 2023
According to the intelligence department, Taliban security forces killed a key Islamic State fighter in a special counterterrorism raid against a Daesh hideout in the capital city of Kabul, District 12.

The Taliban security forces launched a special operation on an ISIS hideout in the Butkhaak, 12 districts of Kabul city, which resulted in the death of Asad Laghamani, known as ‘Qais’ who was allegedly involved in the attack on the interior ministry mosque, the department said on Twitter.

The statement also said that several weapons and ammunition were seized during the operation, including three AK-47, explosive materials, and hand grenades, while civilians were not harmed in the attack.

Recently, the group has intensified their attacks and targeted Taliban officials, civilians and foreign nationals in the country.

The ISIS militants claimed responsibility for several deadly attacks in the country, including the attack on the mosque at the interior ministry last year, which killed four people and injured 25 others.

The Deash group also claimed responsibility for the recent attacks in Balkh province; they claimed responsibility for killing the governor of Balkh with his two aides. A similar incident in the journalists’ gathering resulted in the death of three people, and 18 others were injured.

Earlier, the American general Michael Kurilla had warned about the presence of Deash in Afghanistan and their ability to target the US interest in Europe and Asia within six months.

While in response to the Kurilla’s remarks, the Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid rejected the presence of Deash in Afghanistan and claimed that the militants had been suppressed and targeted across the country.