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Balochistan, On the Boil

Edit in Daily Times, Mar 1, 2023
In stark contravention to what our constitution teaches us, the sanctity of some lives matters more than others in this holy motherland. If not, three separate attacks sending shockwaves across Balochistan would have been enough to overwhelm the attention of lawmakers all of yesterday. However, business was as usual with the exception of sparse mentions here and there.

Four coal miners were targetted in Khost; a Levies man was fatally wounded at a checkpost in Chaman and another killed in a landmine explosion in Kohlu; militant outfits seem determined to send their message loud and clear: everyone is a target everywhere. Honourable Chief Minister of Balochistan Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo would do well to remember that no matter how strongly he may feel for the loss of his people, simple condemnations–however eloquently put–cannot bring back the fallen heroes. Yesterday’s attack was the third time security personnel had been earmarked by nefarious players in just Chaman this week alone. Every single day, security personnel are literally standing in the line of fire when they show up to perform their duties. To their great misfortune, those at the helm of affairs refuse to acknowledge their existence beyond the largely ignorable collateral damage. That the recent spate of terror attacks added weight to fears about the reawakened nightmare (that refuses to be satisfied with anything other than our blood) has been reiterated on these pages to the point of repetition.

This deadly surge, especially combined with a target on the backs of those tasked with the responsibility of their brethren’s security, kills two scourges with one skeleton. They are not only poking holes in the general infrastructure but also striking fear into the hearts of millions; forcing them to look past their shoulders every minute of every day of their lives. The extravagant jubilation and an overall sense of relief of not too long ago when Pakistan was supposed to have rid itself of the terrifying menace seems like another lifetime today when the religious-inspired militancy is back with a bang. Smoke and mirrors remained the mantra wherein false promises of rehabilitation were used to gather strength inside sleeper cells. The state can no longer be advised to pay heed to the emerging threat because the situation is well beyond the boiling point. All that’s needed for Balochistan to once again take a deep plunge into the bloodied abyss is one spark. One trigger and we would find ourselves battling large-scale violence for years on end! At least, by addressing the cracks now, Islamabad can avoid the nexus between separatist movements and the Taliban playing to the fullest of its potential. Haven’t we allowed the boiling killing fields to snatch precious lives for far too long now?