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US Imposes Visa Restrictions on Kabul Leaders

report in ToloNews, Feb 2, 2023 at 10:48 PM
In response to the ban on women attending university and working for NGOs in Afghanistan, the US State Department has imposed new visa restrictions on a number of current and former officials of the Islamic Emirate.7

The US State Department in a press statement said that the Islamic Emirate cannot expect the respect and support of the international community until they respect the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all Afghans, including women and girls.

“I am taking action today to impose additional visa restrictions on certain current or former Taliban members, members of non-state security groups, and other individuals believed to be responsible for, or complicit in, repressing women and girls in Afghanistan through restrictive policies and violence, including the Taliban’s decision to ban women from universities and from working with NGOs.  The immediate family members of such persons may also be subject to these visa restrictions, enacted under Section 212(a)(3)(C) (“3C”) of the Immigration and Nationality Act,” US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement.

According to the statement, after the Islamic Emirate’s decision to restrict women and girls from education and work, more than a million girls have had to leave work and education.

“So far, the Taliban’s actions have forced over one million school-aged Afghan girls and young women out of the classroom, with more women out of universities and countless Afghan women out of the workforce,” the press statement reads.

“With this action by the US, Western countries and other Islamic countries will also impose further restrictions on the Taliban, and the Taliban will be isolated more than this,” said Wahid Faqir, international relations expert.

“This causes this situation to continue, the difficult situation, the economic constraints, and the political restrictions. In the end, it has a harmful and negative influence on the people of Afghanistan,” said Janat Fahim Chakari, a political analyst.

Previously, the US State Department restricted visas for a number of current and former members of the Islamic Emirate due to the Islamic Emirate’s restrictions on women’s rights to employment and education.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Emirate condemned this decision of the US and said that disputes should be resolved through diplomatic means.

“IEA Ministry of Foreign Affairs considers the recent statement by the US State Department imposing visa restrictions on some leaders of the Islamic Emirate as an obstacle to the development of ties between the two sides,” said Zia Ahmad Takal, deputy spokesperson of Foreign Ministry.

The US State Dept release said: “We continue to coordinate closely with allies and partners around the world on an approach that makes clear to the Taliban that their actions will carry significant costs and close the path to improved relations with the international community.”