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Imran says will announce date for long march next week

Report in The Nation, 23 Oct 2022
ISLAMABAD – Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan said Saturday that would announce the date for the anti-government long march towards Islamabad next Thursday or Friday. The former PM also warned the government against taking any step to stop the protest march.

“I will announce the date of the long march on either Thursday or Friday. We are the specialist of marches. We have experience. In my party’s 26-year history, we have done everything peacefully. Families will also participate. We will not let any violence take place.”

While addressing a press conference along with PTI Senator Azam Swati who got post-arrest bail the other day, Imran Khan played down the reports of his arrest and said that even if he is put behind bars, the long march would take place……