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Taliban Demands Increased Engagement and Cooperation Rather Than Criticism

By Saqalain Eqbal in The Khaama Press,12 Oct 2022 at04:36 PM
The Taliban’s Minister of Foreign Affairs said during a meeting with the UN special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan that the group seeks increased cooperation rather than criticism.

The Taliban’s foreign minister, Amir Khan Muttaqi, told Richard Bennett, the UN special rapporteur for Afghanistan, that country’s human rights situation has improved, during their meeting on Tuesday, October 10.

No one in the country will violate human rights, according to the Taliban minister, who also claimed that the era of warlords, abductors, and land usurpers who violated people’s rights is over.

Foreign Minister Muttaqi assured Richard Bennett of the group’s commitment and efforts to improve the situation of human rights in Afghanistan.

According to a statement by the Taliban Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the leadership of the ministry told the UN official that “instead of criticizing one another, we should work together, publish facts & build on the progress made.”

The United Nations Human Rights Council has once more extended Richard Bennett’s mandate in Afghanistan with the support of the Human Rights Watch. After the Taliban seized power, he has now visited Afghanistan for a second time.

Human rights organizations welcomed Bennett’s earlier report on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan under Taliban rule. In his report, he described Afghanistan’s human rights situation as extremely precarious and dire.

The UN official also met with the Taliban’s deputy prime minister, who claimed that reports of human rights abuses in Afghanistan are Facebook rumors, before his meeting with the foreign minister of the Taliban.