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Expanding Control : Editorial in The Nation, Oct 16th, 2021

The Removal and Blocking of Unlawful Online Content Rules of 2021, introduced by the Ministry of Information Technology, have disclosed the exact degree to which content producers and internet users are disadvantaged in Pakistan. The PTA seems to have arbitrarily amassed more power over what is published on social media platforms and websites, resulting in a policed internet space that threatens to squash anything deemed ‘criminal’ or ‘threatening’. If protection is the objective, then there should be a more informed approach that highlights the biggest threats, proposes a strategy that neutralises it and installs a preventative system rather than a ‘block-all’ solution.

Our digital world has been under constant surveillance by the PTA which has taken upon itself the responsibility to regulate the internet. Just recently, TikTok was banned once again and nine thousand videos were removed for having violated the ‘ethical and moral code’ of society, as ambiguous as that is. PTA now has the power to issue notices for the immediate removal of content, imposing fines worth Rs500 million in case of violations, and instructing companies to establish local offices at the time of operation signals towards the PTA grasping any and every avenue for control.

Globally, there is no government body that has this degree of control over the internet which is considered a free space for all to use as they wish, provided they are not directly infringing upon the rights of others. There seems to be no clear indication of what problem the body is fighting or how the issue will be resolved.

Despite the fact that it impacts the public the most, it has not been properly heard on this long-standing issue. The government must look to bring in the views of experts and the general public to bring about a change in the way the PTA is functioning. Otherwise, if we let this continue, we are only damaging ourselves through limiting the growth of the digital industry and robbing the country of opportunities to develop.