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Posts published in “Day: June 3, 2016

Xinjiang affirms religious freedom ahead of Ramadan: By Bai Tiantian in Global Times, June 3, 2016

China on Thursday released a white paper on freedom of religious beliefs in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, which analysts believe would dispel possible misinterpretations on China’s Xinjiang policy before this year’s Ramadan, which begins on Tuesday. “[China] fully respects its citizens’ religious needs. During the month of Ramadan, Muslim restaurants can decide whether they want to do business. There will be no interference,” read the white paper, which was released by the State Council…

Beijing Touts Uighurs’ Religious Freedom Amid Terrorism Crackdown By Te-Ping Chen in The Wall St Journal, blogs, June 2, 2016

In recent years, China has endeavored to woo hearts and minds in the northwest region of Xinjiang while engaging in a military crackdown against terrorism. It has told the military to learn local folk songs and dances. It has sent thousands of cadres to befriend local villagers. This week, Beijing launched another public-relations fusillade in the form of a white paper heralding the region’s religious freedom. Such freedom, the paper said, “cannot be matched by…

At last the tide ebbs: edit in The Express Tribune, June 2nd, 2016.

A cautious welcome must be given to the reports that the flood of internally displaced persons (IDP) created by Operation Zarb-e-Azb is finally turning, and over 200,000 families are returned to their homes in the five tribal agencies of Fata. This is a considerable achievement by the Fata Disaster Management Authority, which has achieved this without recourse to assistance from the international humanitarian community. By May 30, 2016, 221,966 IDP families had gone back to…