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Posts tagged as “governace”

Congress members express worry over mounting public frustration, poor governance

Report in The Kathmandu Post, Dec 31, 2023The Central Working Committee meeting of the Nepali Congress has entrusted its parliamentary board to select the candidates for the upcoming National Assembly elections. This decision came as the three-day central meet of the ruling party concluded on Saturday. The party will follow the candidate selection criteria that are almost final, said Min Bishwakarma, head of the party’s publicity department. The criteria will prefer Congress members who have…

Constant tussle for power has crippled provincial governance:

By Nishan Khatiwada in The Kathmandu Post, Apr 18, 2023Five months after the major elections held in November last year, the provincial governments are yet to get a full shape—some have been hanging by a thread after being turned into minority governments while in others the competing interests of the parties in the ruling coalition have complicated the process. The CPN-UML has pulled out of the governments in Sudurpaschim, Madhesh, Bagmati and Karnali, but the…

Governance hit as parties busy themselves with power-sharing:

By Tika R Pradhan in The Kathmandu Post, March 22, 2023With Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal securing the parliament’s confidence on Monday, for a second time in 70 days, a political course has been completed. Since all major constitutional positions have already been filled, now the government is expected to expedite its functioning in a full swing by expanding the Cabinet. On Tuesday morning, the prime minister met some of his coalition partners and discussed…

Interim Govt Policies on Women Affecting Intl Relations: Zakhailwal

Report in TOLOnews online, March 17,2023 at 12:43 AMIn an interview with TOLOnews, Zakhailwal said a constitution and the people’s support are important for governance. “There were policies that made the space unfavorable. The trust that the people needed, has not been formed. Our relations with the world countries have been undermined,” Zakhailwal said. He suggested that the issue of female education should be solved inside Afghanistan and that the ground should not be paved…

TNA calls President’s 13A promise ‘absurd’

by Mirudhula Thambiah in The Morning, Jan 17, 2023Tamil National Alliance (TNA) Spokesman and MP, President’s Counsel M.A. Sumanthiran said yesterday (16) that it is absurd for any Head of State to declare that he would implement the 13th Amendment to the Constitution after 35 years of the adoption of said Amendment, which established the Provincial Councils system of governance and power devolution. The MP was referring to President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s statement on 15 January…