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Ch Sarwar terms Opposition’s demand for early elections invalid : REPORT in The Nation, Oct 11th, 2021

Lahore-Punjab Governor Ch Sarwar said on Sunday that demand of the political opponents for holding early elections was not valid in any case.

In a media statement issued here from Governor House, the governor said: “The government will complete its constitutional term. The role of Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan in making Pakistan a nuclear power will always be remembered. He was truly a hero of the Pakistani nation.”

The governor maintained: “Since the PTI has come to power, the opposition parties have been dreaming of overthrowing the government. But their dreams will never come true. There is no chance of premature elections before 2023. People have given us the mandate for five years, and the opposition should play its role as given in the Constitution. The opposition parties must respect the government’s mandate.”

Ch Sarwar stated: “The opposition parties should support the government on electoral reforms to make next general elections in the country transparent instead of protesting in the streets. The opposition should also help the government in giving the overseas Pakistanis right to vote. The overseas Pakistanis have the constitutional and democratic right to vote which they must get.”

Punjab Governor Ch Sarwar said that when the PTI came to power, Pakistan was on the verge of economic bankruptcy, but the government took all possible steps to save the country from going bankrupt.

He added: “The government, under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan, is taking steps to solve other problems too. Providing basic amenities to the people is also the top priority of the government.”

Expressing grief over the demise of renowned scientist Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan, Punjab Governor Ch Sarwar said that Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan had played an exemplary role in making Pakistan a nuclear power. “The nation will always remember this hero who made the defense of Pakistan invincible,” he averred. “May Allah grant him highest ranks in Jannah. Our deepest condolences are with the family of Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan.”